Pay attention to these 5 important things before installing an elevator at home

For urban communities, a home lift is no longer considered a luxury item, but rather a necessity. Apart from aiming to facilitate mobility, the use of a home lift has become an important requirement in modern housing considering the limited land conditions so that houses must be built vertically.

If you plan to use a home lift, be aware that there are significant differences between conventional lifts and home lifts, especially in terms of carrying capacity and energy used. Even though home lifts have a smaller carrying capacity, home lifts are considered more efficient because they do not require a large space, and they use more economical electrical energy.

Joni Tse, Chief Operating Officer of PT Pardi Solusi Abadi, said there are 5 important points that you need to pay attention to when you want to add a home lift to your business or home. According to him, beauty (aesthetics), strength and safety, function and usability, as well as technology and product selection are the five things that cannot be ignored.

However, Joni emphasized that safety needs to be the main priority when installing a home lift. The strength of the building is an important factor that must be considered before installing a home lift.

“Mathematical calculations related to gravity, natural forces, moments, mechanics and material durability must be carried out to ensure that the building is able to support the lift load safely,” he said.

In detail, here are 5 important points when you want to install a home lift at home or place of business, according to Pardi Solusi Abadi, leader of the home lift industry in Indonesia:

1. Beauty or Aesthetics
When considering adding a home lift, it is important to think about how the lift will impact the overall appearance of the building. The home lift installed must be pleasing to the eye and provide a feeling of comfort. Choosing a design that suits the architectural style of the house or building will provide an attractive aesthetic touch.

2. Kekuatan dan Keamanan
Kekuatan bangunan menjadi faktor penting yang harus dipertimbangkan sebelum memasang home lift. Perhitungan matematis terkait gravitasi, gaya-gaya alam, momen, mekanika, dan keawetan material harus dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa bangunan mampu menopang beban lift dengan aman. Keamanan juga harus menjadi prioritas utama, sehingga pemilihan teknologi dan konstruksi yang unggul dari segi keamanan sangat penting.

3. Fungsi dan Kegunaan
Unsur fungsi dari setiap ruang dalam bangunan juga harus dipertimbangkan. Home lift haruslah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan penghuni atau pengguna bangunan. Mempermudah aktivitas manusia berpindah dari satu lantai ke lantai lainnya adalah salah satu fungsi utama home lift. Dengan adanya home lift, penggunaan tiap lantai dan ruangan dalam bangunan dapat dimaksimalkan.

4. Teknologi Screw and Nut
Salah satu teknologi yang sangat cocok digunakan untuk home lift saat ini adalah teknologi screw and nut. Teknologi ini memiliki konstruksi sederhana, hemat listrik, instalasi cepat, pengoperasian yang mudah, dan sangat unggul dari segi keamanan dan kenyamanan. Teknologi screw and nut juga tidak membutuhkan ruang mesin dan tanpa pit, sehingga lebih hemat ruang dan tetap menjaga estetika bangunan.
